Coronavirus, Informazioni di viaggio


La IATA fornisce una mappa interattiva dei regolamenti di viaggio per il Coronavirus L’Associazione internazionale del trasporto aereo (IATA) sta attualmente fornendo una mappa interattiva contenente le normative di viaggio globali durante la crisi del Corona Virus. In collaborazione con le compagnie aeree e le agenzie governative di tutto il mondo, le informazioni vengono regolarmente riviste e aggiornate dal personale IATA nel modo più affidabile possibile, data la situazione eccezionalmente dinamica. Visualizza la mappa interattiva delle norme di viaggio per il Coronavirus.
                                                        Our Mission

The Italian Board of Airline Representatives – IBAR – is the Association currently representing more than 50 Airlines operating in Italy .The Association was established in the early 1960’s , following a recommendation by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) , and was formally incorporated in 1986.Our main activities in brief :
• We protect the Airlines’ community interests through constant liaison with legislative bodies, local authorities and airport operators.
• We are a well-known industry watchdog in favour of free markets, transparent regulation and level playing fields.• We participate actively in the yearly consultations for the definition of airport charges at several Italian Airports
• We cooperate closely with the other Air Transport Associations and keep close contact with the Board of Airlines Representatives of other Countries.
• We monitor legislative processes, both at EU and national level, and provide our members with regular updates as well as with English translations of Laws, Directives and Ordinances.
• We keep our Members informed with weekly industry-specific press summaries, quarterly newsletters and traffic reports.
• We adhere strictly to anti-trust legislation and do not involve ourselves in any debate or communication on commercial matters or policies concerning pricing, agency remunerations or competition between members.
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